Hello my fellow friends! OR EVIL ONES??? Sorry for the overreaction, just finished an experiment! You all have a lot to learn, so let us proooooCEED!


So I see you all wanted to learn about LEAGUE OF LEGENDSSS!

League of Legends is a pc game which can be downloaded for minimal GB and played in most cases an INSTANT!

While playing League of Legends, you will discover that there are many components to the game, so let's get started with it all~

- A few key terms -

Here are a few key terms which you might need to know before we get started, terms being "ff" - forfeit; "k/d/a" - kills/deaths/assists; gg - "good game" (which you all probably already knew"; "glhf" - Good luck have fun; and wp -"well played". Here are some extra terms for you to get to know the game, although most of them on this werbsite are uneccessary - TERMS4YOU


- The lanes in the game -

When looking at a map in league... well... here:


You can see that there are three highlighted thingies of the map! Eureka! These are your lanes. Your lane is assigned based on your personal preference (at least most of the time). and you will be the representative of that lane for the rest of the game. OOPS! Forgot. General game knowledge, let's go over that a bit, shall we?

- GENERALITY!!! (If that's even a word) -

- Objective control -

If you're a jungler, you'll hear people screaming at you to get rthese so-called "objectives," but what even are those? A few examples would be shown in the following pictures, in this order: Baron Nasher - Dragons - Rift Herald

bar roar shelly

Click on the images above for more info on each of the objectives :)

Killing these objectives, whether it be The Nasher, The Dragons, or Rift Herald, your team will gain gold as a whole, you will get special enhacements to the abilities you already withold, and you will haver a better job oooooof...



Destroy the enemy nexus and...

and you win the game!!!

A game on avg lasts 30 minutes, but if you're up for a competition of communication skills, strategetic skills, and even skills with your individual champion,

THEN LET ME WELCOME YOU TO THE SUMMONER'S RIFT!!! EUREKA! 30 seconds until minions spawn, so you better hurry, I'll be top lane ready to work with you!